Human-Computer Interaction (Bachelor & Master)


27. Februar 2020

Der Medienethiker Prof. Dr. Charles Ess von der Uni Oslo wird nächste Woche einen Vortrag mit dem Titel „Who/what is “the User”? Philosophical, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives on Ethics and HCI Design” halten. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen. Der Vortrag wird aus Studienzuschüssen finanziert.

Titel: Who/what is the User? Philosophical, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives on Ethics and HCI Design
Wann: Montag 02.03.20, 13:30 Uhr
Wo: Bib & Sem 00.103
Abstract: Starting with examples from the United States, Germany, Norway, and Japan, we will explore how our fundamental assumptions about personhood – broadly, whether more individual (Western) vs. more relational (Eastern) – are basic for both our ethical reflections and design processes. The lecture/presentation will be interspersed with brief assignments and case studies for discussion in small groups, including (possible) examples from Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Systems (CSCW), robotics, smartphone mindfulness apps, messaging systems such as Line vs. MS Messenger, and the Japanese conception of Wakimae, situated discernment. I will conclude with a brief review of the growing emphasis in global approaches towards “ethically-aligned design” (IEEE) in conjunction with AI and Machine Learning Systems, so as to open up further reflection and discussion as to how our assumptions regarding personhood are changing in both Western and Eastern societies and the implications of these changes for future design approaches.
Mehr zu Prof. Dr. Ess finden Sie hier

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