Human-Computer Interaction (Bachelor & Master)


16. Januar 2018

Julius-Maximilians-University, Würzburg, Germany

Thursday, 15 February 2018

You are invited to learn about and experience project works by our students enrolled in:

We look forward to welcoming you in person! Carolin Wienrich, Marc Erich Latoschik, Jörn Hurtienne


10am to 4pm 1st floor, Bldg Z8 (Rechenzentrum)


Am Hubland Süd, 97074 Würzburg, Germany Parking is available, see map below If you travel by train:


MCS/HCI Student Presentations such as

How to present Interaction Principles for Virtual Reality on a (VR)-Website? Consideration of user needs and current technical possibilities, Patricia Theile (HCI)

Developing and benchmarking virtual student behaviour for a virtual reality teaching training application, Michael Habel (MCS Thesis)

Typing in Virtual Reality, Lucas Plabst (MCS Thesis)

Populationsstereotype und wahrgenommene Innovation - der Einfluss von Alter und Image Schematischen Metaphern, Magdalena Peetz (MCS Thesis)

Unreal based tabletop framework for hybrid reality games, Philipp Krop (MCS Thesis)

Social Inhibiton of Return in Virtual Reality, Daniel Scherer, Marlon Franz, Philipp Komma, Johanna Gramlich, Benedict Bihlmaier, and others (MCS Project)

Immersion through Storytelling - An Eldritch Horror Board Game App, Daniel Rapp (HCI)

Breaking Bad Behavior, Dominik Arnold, Christian Weingärtner, Ignat Makarenko, Carsten Scheller, and others (MCS-Project)

Berücksichtigung kultureller Unterschiede beim Interface Design mit Hilfe von Personas - ein Vergleich der Anforderungen von deutschen und nordamerikanischen Waren-Kommissionierarbeitern an User-Interfaces, Larissa Brübach (MCS Thesis)

Tierkollektive als Inspiration für die Gestaltung intuitiver Benutzung, Julian Müller (MCS Thesis)

See you at the EXPO!

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